27 Days Old: Daily Update

Olivia had a great night and morning. Dad came in early this morning to find her awake. With the help of nursing, we coordinated an “in Dad’s arms” study session during which we reviewed and discussed the literary elements of Dr. Seuss. Olivia giggled as Dad battled through tongue twisters. After boring of Dad’s struggles, Olivia slept soundly until Mom arrived to relieve her. Play time!

Rounds reported positive news from overnight. Today, Olivia will:

  • Go down on pressure support, after dealing well with the continuous drops in breathing support. She continues to show great respiratory progress (unless we move her around; she doesn’t like that too much).
  • Go up on feeding. They are bumping up her increases to +1 ML every 8 hours (Q8), from her prior 12-hour regiment. This is great news. She’s looking better with all of Momma’s milk. At noon, she’ll be at 9 MLs/hr.

She is excited to see Grandpa and Nana today. We haven’t yet told Olivia that her Aunt Abbey is coming too! The clan is expected to arrive from Maine around 3 PM.

In other news, Hotel Olivia construction was delayed after nursing expressed concerns about her temperature control. Mom and Dad are pushing them back to the table for negotiations, as they along with OT, suspect her temperature drops are related to her environment. In a proactive move, Mom’s put these cute little mitts on Olivia and wrapped her up snuggly. Lawyers from both sides are expected to meet later today to discuss. Neither side expressed concerns with the delay, as spokesmen from both camps cited they “want what’s in Olivia’s best interest”.

Checkout my gloves!


  1. Good Morning Olivia, love your mitts! You are such a cutie. Hope you have a good day with Mom and Dad and family. Dr. Seuss is tough for anyone! You are in our prayers every day. Praying for continued good news.

    Love Aunt Susan

  2. Love those mits and the study session with Dad 🌟

    Enjoy the weekend with the family!

  3. Sweet Olivia you have great company this weekend. Lots of great books being read to you📖.

    I love those bright eyes and those mitten mom put on you!!!!

  4. I love your new hair do too, showing off your cute eyes. You sound adorable too Luke! I can’t get enough of your pictures thank you

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