39 Days Old: Daily Update

Good morning. Olivia had a quiet night and morning. When we came in this morning, she handed us a card she wrote for her aunt Lauren.image

No major medical updates today. She continues sprinting and feeding. They are adding 1/2 teaspoon of protein to her feeds to keep her growing.

Playtime (stretching and sprinting) are in store for her today.


  1. Morning Olivia and mom and dad. She grows more and more adorable every day. So sweet! Praying for continued progress.
    Love you all.

  2. Olivia looks especially cute this morning😘 Keep up the progress, little lady! Love and positive thoughts to all. Thinking of you everyday.

    Love, Aunt Susan

  3. All good news! Very sweet pics of the day! Keep up the hard work sweet Olivia! I love you all! Nana💓

  4. Love that card and will treasure this picture!!!!! Thank you to my sweet niece and her amazing parents 😘 love you all so much

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