49 Days Old: Daily Update

We expect today to be a nice, lazy day for the little miss. Thankfully she decided not to pull another all nighter, and based on this morning’s report she appears to have actually slept well overnight.

This morning in rounds we met our new attending doctor, who will serve as Olivia’s “primary” doctor for the next two weeks. We’ll refer to him from here on as Dr. D., who we’ve heard is “the big cheese”. That was Dr. M’s phrase. Officially, Dr. D. is the current division chief of the NICU, so we’re excited to have him on Olivia’s case.

Medically there are no changes or events planned for the day. Olivia’s been weaned down to her pre-extubation ventilator settings, and feeds are continuing at 20 MLs / hour with 3 teaspons of powder and 6 MLs of liquid protein. It sounds like the main goal is to get this girl growing. That means letting her rest, encouraging deep sleep, working with OT on muscle strength, and eating like its going out of business.

And you know what comes with eating like its going out of business? Baby blowouts. As evidence, notice the outfit change from this morning:

Outfit number 1 for the morning
Outfit number 2 for the morning




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