Olivia works with an occupational therapist, Meg, to help with her contractures and other muscular issues. She is fantastic and has been working with Olivia since the beginning (day of life 2).
Today, she dropped off a 30-day report card summarizing OG’s progress. It’s impressive. Take a read (note: this is not optimized for reading on your phone).
1-Month Report Card
Name: __Olivia Guerrero_ Age: _30 days
Developmental Stage | Appropriate Age Range | Current Status | |
Gross motor | |||
Fetal position (flexed and midline) | 0 to 2 months | Legs met, arms progressing | |
Involuntary/reflexive muscle movements | 0 to 2 months | met | |
In prone head up only | 0 to 3 months | Not yet met | |
Kicks feet when on back | 0 to 3 months | met | |
Head steady at shoulder | 1 to 4 months | Not yet met | |
Will weight bear on legs | 1 to 4 months | Not yet met | |
In prone head up to chest | 1 to 4 months | Not yet met | |
In prone head up to forearms | 2 to 5 months | Not yet met | |
In prone head up with extended arms | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Rolling front to back | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Bounce in weight bearing | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Rolling back to front | 4 to 7 months | Not yet met | |
Sitting with support | 4 to 7 months | Not yet met | |
May rock back and forth on hands and knees | 4 to 7 months | Not yet met | |
Sitting independently | 5 to 9 months | Not yet met | |
Gross Motor Notes: Olivia is working on increasing her tolerance for play in a variety of positions. Her endurance is improving and allows her to engage in more play. She is showing increasing strength in her arms and legs and has typical movement patterns. She is trying to use her arms and legs age appropriately but sometimes gravity gets in the way | |||
Fine Motor | |||
Grasps finger | 0 to 4 months | Met | |
Brings hands to mouth | 0 to 4 months | Progressing towards | |
Hands intermittently open/closed | 0 to 4 months | Met | |
Plays with feet and brings feet to mouth when on back | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Holds toy actively | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Clasp and unclasp hands in finger play | 3 to 6 months | Progressing towards | |
Bats at objects | 2 to 5 months | Not yet met | |
Holds objects at midline | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Bilateral Reach | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Transfers objects | 4 to 7 months | Not yet met | |
Fine Motor Notes: Olivia is using her hands more and will grasp anything that is near her hands. Her arm movements are smooth and coordinated but weak. She is showing increasing strength in her arms. She rarely looks uncomfortable with ROM anymore; however, she is starting to resist some range of motion. | |||
Cognitive/Emotional | |||
Makes needs known | 0 to 3 months | met | |
Sooths when engaged with | 1 to 3 months | met | |
Social smile | 2 to 3 months | Not yet met | |
Cry when upset to seek comfort | 2 to 6 months | met | |
Responds to familiar caregivers | 2 to 6 months | met | |
Show excitement by waving arms & legs | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Likes to look at and be near people who are special and significant in their lives | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Smile at herself in the mirror | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Pay attention to her own name | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Resists end of game | 4 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Social/Emotional Notes: Olivia is aware of the world around her. She uses her non-verbal communication to let us know what she likes and does not like. She definitely knows her mom and dad and responds differently to them than to others in the room | |||
Language | |||
Cooing | 1 to 4 months | Not yet met | |
Laugh | 3 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Turns to voice | 2 to 4 months | Not yet met | |
Razzing | 4 to 8 months | Not yet met | |
Language Notes: Olivia’s language is all non-verbal at this stage. She communicates her likes and dislikes with crying, facial expressions and movement. Once she gets her voice back, she will certainly have a lot to say | |||
Sensory | |||
Stares vaguely at surroundings | 0 to 2 months | met | |
can follow a slowly moving target intermittently to midline | 0 to 2 months | met | |
learning how to shift their gaze from one object to another without having to move their head | 1 to 4 months | met | |
Can focus on objects up to 6′ away | 2 to 4 months | Not yet met | |
may follow vertical movements better than horizontal | 1 to 3 months | met | |
visual searching begins | 2 to 4 months | Progressing towards | |
Regards hands | 2 to 5 months | Not yet met | |
Can follow a visual target the size of a finger puppet past midline, and can track horizontally, vertically, and in a circle | 3 to 5 months | Not yet met | |
visually aware of the environment | 4 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
can shift gaze from near to far easily | 4 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Convergence is developing | 4 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Eye-hand coordination (reach) is achieved | 4 to 6 months | Not yet met | |
Sensory Notes: Olivia is visually responsive to her environment. She looks between people talking over her bed and watches people move around the room. She is tolerant of touch and a little hypersensitive of movement. | |||
Feeding | |||
Suckle pattern on bottle 8-10 sucks | 0 to 1 months | Not yet met | |
Lip closure on nipple/pacifier | 0 to 2 months | Met | |
Able to maintain suction on pacifier without external support | 1-2 months | Not yet met | |
Feedings via nipple | 2 to 5 months | Not yet met | |
Tongue orientated to midline | 2 to 5 months | Not yet met | |
Feeding Notes: Olivia’s oral skills are limited by her respiratory support and secretion management; however, she does have a more consistent gag, a consistent suck and consistent lip closure. She enjoys oral stimulation even if it causes her to have increased secretions. | |||
Summary: Olivia is a sweet baby who is working on a variety of age appropriate skills and has shown significant improvement over the last month. Her contractures are non-existent in her upper body with her passive range of motion being within normal limits. Her contractures in her lower body are improved as well though she continues have some decreased range of motion in her knees and hips. Her upper body strength is increasing and she can now move her fingers, wrist, elbow and some shoulder movements against gravity (when she wants to). Her lower body is also gaining strength; she has normal strength for flexion of her knees and hips and is starting to show active extension. Her visual and social/emotional skills are on target and her oral and gross motor skills are limited not only by her neuromuscular condition but more by her need for a ventilator. |