We’ve had a few nice, uneventful (in the good sense), and fun days around here. We survived Dad’s first business trip since Olivia was born (although we did miss him terribly), Nana and Grampa Prior visited, and Olivia and I had lots of girl time. She’s now spending multiple hours at a time out of her crib, either in her bouncy seat or playing on her boppy lounger in our arms, she’s tolerating PT and OT sessions really well, and her alertness and overall cognitive capabilities seem to be changing daily. All of which make for good, good days. The kind that make us momentarily forget about the bad days, forget about where we are and why, and forget about what lies ahead.
Speaking of which, her muscle biopsy has been scheduled for next Tuesday, July 5th. Yesterday we had been told it was going to be mid July, but this morning we got word she’s been scheduled in for next week! This is awesome news, as we already feel like we’ve been waiting for a long time, and otherwise we would have been waiting another long and likely intolerable two weeks.
So between now and Tuesday we don’t expect many changes to her usual regiment or daily plans. Just days of hanging out, holding, playing, and hopefully long naps!

These are good news indeed! Even if the prospect of surgery, even minor, is not fun, the more precise her diagnosis is, the more targeted and efficient Olivia’s care will be. So it’s another step forward for you all. She looks adorable and quite grown now. We can see the focus and alertness in her eyes. She seems to question that mohawk too 🙂 Although she totally rocks the look… Happy first 4th of July Olivia!
Love from your cousins in California.
Wyatt had a Mohawk this morning too!! She looks adorable in all the pics. I am so happy that the wait for her surgery will not be too long. Hoping for quiet days till next Tuesday. Also, so glad that Dad is back in town!💘💙 Nana
She looks so sweet! Rest up baby girl – big days for you next week 💪💪 love to you all!
Wish I could do a Mohawk!
Sounds like a great place you have there….Superman window washers…that is so creative and fun for the kids. Glad you’ve had a span of good even days. Boosts the soul, I’m sure. Olivia Grace looks so feminine in her outfits. Good luck next week with the surgery. Love and good thoughts to you all❤️🙏🏼
So happy you are having such good days and having fun with mom and family. Glad dad is back safely too. It is good news the surgery will be very soon so the doctors can focus on the specifics. Love you all! Hope you like your bear and book !
Happy to hear about the good days! She’s really showing off her summer wardrobe now. Love superman outside washing the Windows! love you!
Love all these pictures & their comments below. She is so cute especially when she is frowning! Glad surgery is finally scheduled
Love to all
Hi Whitney, Luke and Sweet Olivia,
I have wondered about the parenting journey you have begun and am so happy to have discovered the blog. You are constantly in my thoughts and it is so nice to see the pictures of sweet, sweet Olivia and hear about the great work you are doing to help her thrive. In looking through the pics it is amazing how much she has grown and is so alert (when not sleeping). Wish I could hold her, it has been a long time since I’ve held a baby and she is so adorable. I like the description of her room and the pink zebras. Looking forward to more updates and sending love and big hugs.